Prepro 2: Exercise B


February 27, 2024

# Required Packages

Task 1

You have data from three sensors (sensor1.csv, sensor2.csv, sensor3.csv). Read in the data sets.

Sample Solution
sensor1 <- read_delim("datasets/prepro/sensor1.csv", ";")
sensor2 <- read_delim("datasets/prepro/sensor2.csv", ";")
sensor3 <- read_delim("datasets/prepro/sensor3.csv", ";")

Task 2

From the 3 data frames, create a single data frame that looks like the one shown below. Use two joins from dplyr to connect 3 data.frames. Then tidy up the column names (how can we do that?).

Sample Solution
sensor1_2 <- full_join(sensor1, sensor2, "Datetime")

sensor1_2 <- rename(sensor1_2, sensor1 = Temp.x, sensor2 = Temp.y)

sensor_all <- full_join(sensor1_2, sensor3, by = "Datetime")

sensor_all <- rename(sensor_all, sensor3 = Temp)
Datetime sensor1 sensor2 sensor3
16102017_1800 23.5 13.5 26.5
17102017_1800 25.4 24.4 24.4
18102017_1800 12.4 22.4 13.4
19102017_1800 5.4 12.4 7.4
23102017_1800 23.5 13.5 NA
24102017_1800 21.3 11.3 NA

Task 3

Import the sensor_fail.csv file into R.

Sample Solution
sensor_fail <- read_delim("datasets/prepro/sensor_fail.csv", delim = ";")

sensor_fail.csv has a variable SensorStatus: 1 means the sensor is measuring, 0 means the sensor is not measuring. If sensor status = 0, the Temp = 0 value is incorrect. It should be NA (not available). Correct the dataset accordingly.

Sensor Temp Hum_% Datetime SensorStatus
Sen102 0.6 98 16102017_1800 1
Sen102 0.3 96 17102017_1800 1
Sen102 0.0 87 18102017_1800 1
Sen102 0.0 86 19102017_1800 0
Sen102 0.0 98 23102017_1800 0
Sen102 0.0 98 24102017_1800 0
Sen102 0.0 96 25102017_1800 1
Sen103 -0.3 87 26102017_1800 1
Sen103 -0.7 98 27102017_1800 1
Sen103 -1.2 98 28102017_1800 1
Sample Solution
# with base-R:
sensor_fail$Temp_correct[sensor_fail$SensorStatus == 0] <- NA
sensor_fail$Temp_correct[sensor_fail$SensorStatus != 0] <- sensor_fail$Temp # Warning message can be ignored.

# the same with dplyr:
sensor_fail <- sensor_fail |>
  mutate(Temp_correct = ifelse(SensorStatus == 0, NA, Temp))

Task 4

Why does it matter if 0 or NA is recorded? Calculate the mean of the temperature / humidity after you have corrected the dataset.

Sample Solution
# Mean values of the incorrect sensor data: 0 flows into the calculation
# and distorts the mean
## [1] -0.13

# Mean values of the corrected sensor data: with na.rm = TRUE,
# NA values are removed from the calculation.
mean(sensor_fail$Temp_correct, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] -0.1857143