Prepro 2: Demo


February 27, 2024

The code for this demo can also be downloaded as an R Script (right click → Save Target As..)


We want to extract the temperature data from a character string (temperature), and then convert the Kelvin value into Celsius according to the following formula, before finally calculating the mean of all the values:

\[°C = K - 273.15\]

# these temperature are in Kelvin:
temperature <- c("310","322","348")

## [1] "310" "322" "348"

Translated into R-code, this results in the following operation:

subtract <- function(x,y){x-y} # helperfunction to subtract y from x

output <- mean(subtract(as.integer(temperature), 273.15))
#                             \_1_/
#                       \_______2_____________/
#              \________________3______________________/
#         \_____________________4_______________________/

# 1. Take temperature
# 2. Convert "character" → "integer"
# 4. Subtract 273.15
# 5. Calculate the mean

The whole operation is easier to read if it is written down sequentially:

tmp <- as.integer(temperature)   # 2
tmp <- subtract(tmp, 273.15)     # 3
output <- mean(tmp)              # 4
## [1] 53.51667

The fact that the intermediate results must always be saved and retrieved again in the subsequent operation makes this somewhat cumbersome. This is where “piping” comes into play: It makes the output of one function the first parameter of the subsequent function.

temperature |>        # 1
  as.integer() |>     # 2
  subtract(273.15) |> # 3
  mean()              # 4
## [1] 53.51667
  • the |> pipe operator was first introduced in R 4.1
  • In addition to the base R pipe operator, there is also a very similar1 pipe operator, %>%, in the magrittr package.
  • The Ctrl +Shift+M keyboard shortcut in RStudio inserts a pipe operator.
  • By checking the Use native pipe operator setting in RStudio Settings ToolsGlobal OptionsCode, you can control which pipe operator, |> or %>%, is inserted with the above key combination.
  • We recommend using the base-R pipe operator |>


students <- data.frame(
  Matriculation_No = c(100002, 100003, 200003),
  Student = c("Patrick", "Manuela", "Eva"),
  ZIP = c(8006, 8001, 8820)

##   Matriculation_No Student  ZIP
## 1           100002 Patrick 8006
## 2           100003 Manuela 8001
## 3           200003     Eva 8820

localities <- data.frame(
  ZIP = c(8003, 8006, 8810, 8820),
  LocalityName = c("Zurich", "Zurich", "Horgen", "Wadenswil")

##    ZIP LocalityName
## 1 8003       Zurich
## 2 8006       Zurich
## 3 8810       Horgen
## 4 8820    Wadenswil
# Load library

inner_join(students, localities, by = "ZIP")
##   Matriculation_No Student  ZIP LocalityName
## 1           100002 Patrick 8006       Zurich
## 2           200003     Eva 8820    Wadenswil

left_join(students, localities, by = "ZIP")
##   Matriculation_No Student  ZIP LocalityName
## 1           100002 Patrick 8006       Zurich
## 2           100003 Manuela 8001         <NA>
## 3           200003     Eva 8820    Wadenswil

right_join(students, localities, by = "ZIP")
##   Matriculation_No Student  ZIP LocalityName
## 1           100002 Patrick 8006       Zurich
## 2           200003     Eva 8820    Wadenswil
## 3               NA    <NA> 8003       Zurich
## 4               NA    <NA> 8810       Horgen

full_join(students, localities, by = "ZIP")
##   Matriculation_No Student  ZIP LocalityName
## 1           100002 Patrick 8006       Zurich
## 2           100003 Manuela 8001         <NA>
## 3           200003     Eva 8820    Wadenswil
## 4               NA    <NA> 8003       Zurich
## 5               NA    <NA> 8810       Horgen
students <- data.frame(
  Matriculation_No = c(100002, 100003, 200003),
  Student = c("Patrick", "Manuela", "Pascal"),
  Residence = c(8006, 8001, 8006)

left_join(students, localities, by = c("Residence" = "ZIP"))
##   Matriculation_No Student Residence LocalityName
## 1           100002 Patrick      8006       Zurich
## 2           100003 Manuela      8001         <NA>
## 3           200003  Pascal      8006       Zurich

  1. see↩︎